About us
Sustainable Action Planning (SAP) is based on resource efficiency and quality improvement methods (including “lean engineering”), originally developed in the manufacturing industry. As understanding of the environmental impact of the NHS has increased, in particular the importance of “embedded” carbon in clinical and non-clinical supplies, the close links between resource efficiency and NHS sustainability have become clear.
In 2008, The Campaign for Greener Healthcare (now the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare) joined forces with independent consultant, Michael Poole (Eco-nomic Ltd.), and the Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Primary Care Trust (CIOSPCT) to pilot the programme in NHS wards, GP practices, laboratories and other clinical units. The pilots were co-funded by CIOSPCT and the NHS Institute of Innovation and Improvement. The experience has helped to shape SAP – to make it more relevant to health and healthcare, and better suited to use in a busy NHS setting. Via the SAP website, clinical teams everywhere now have access to all of the SAP tools and resources, and can begin sustainable action planning in their units.
The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare is now working with the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement to incorporate elements of sustainable action planning into the "Productive Series".
Our thanks to the Carbon User Experience and Design group, who provided input in to the user interaction of SAP. By carrying out research to understand users' needs we aimed to produce an experience and design that meets the needs of all users.
Graphic design by Raz O'Connor - www.auralmassage.com.